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Guangdong Lavius Lighting Co., Ltd.
Produsen kustom
Produk utama: Proyek Disesuaikan Lampu Gantung LED Proyek Pencahayaan
Nomor Peringkat2 pengiriman tepat waktu dalam Lampu Sorot DindingFull customizationOn-site material inspectionYears in industry(7)Design-based customization
Sangat puas3 ulasan
  • ≤4h
    Rata-rata waktu respons
  • 100.0%
    Tingkat pengiriman tepat waktu
  • US $240,000+
    {0} pesanan
Kustomisasi dari Desain
Kustomisasi Penuh
Pemeriksa QA/QC (6)
Mesin Uji (5)
Lihat semua kapasitas terverifikasi ({capacitiesNum})
oleh TüVRheinland
Solusi proyek satu atap
Solution options (1): hotel
Lihat Selengkapnya
6 foto
Jenis: hotel
United Arab Emirates
provide 2 engineers and tester equipments and last for 150 days to finished the project, it accepted and recognized by owner
Ulasan Perusahaan (3)
5.0 /5
Sangat puas
  • Supplier Layanan
  • Pengiriman tepat waktu
  • Kualitas Produk
Thank you for providing me with a delightful shopping experience! Not only is the product of high quality, but the packaging is also exquisite. Your thoughtfulness shows the brand's sincerity and care.
    I want to express my gratitude for your team's professionalism and patience in addressing my inquiries, along with the outstanding product quality. I am highly satisfied with this shopping experience and look forward to returning!
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